Summer Book Club- Parenting in the Screen Age

Summer time – and the READING is easy! Please join our K-8 in diving into a great read done in small bites – and intended to provide springboard conversations with your kids around all kinds of social, emotional issues: screen use, sleep, mental health, healthy choices, friendship and dating, screen contracts, family rules, maintaining boundaries, peer pressure, gaming, alcohol and other drugs, sexting, swearing – and well, basically, the challenges of parenting in a age where screens are what you are reading this on!

Parenting in the Screen Age by Delaney Ruston, MD is broken into 10 Chapters, with evidence-based information and gentle advice given in 2-4 page blogs (and between 8 and 12 per chapter):

  1. Social Media

  2. Video Games

  3. Mental Health

  4. Sleep

  5. Essential Preparation for Screen-Related Conversations

  6. Contracts and Family Rules

  7. Challenging Conversations

  8. Screens in Schools and Homework

  9. Fostering Human Bonds

  10. Cultivating Creativity, Insight, and Focus

The author, Dr. Delaney Ruston, is the producer/director of the Screenagers  movies – and writer of the Tech Talk Tuesdays blogs and podcasts, has put together some of best columns, grouped by theme, so that parents and families could have some accurate data and clear directions on how to tackle the real issues that our wonderful (but also challenging) screens introduce, exacerbate, or support.

Grab a copy of this book this summer (invite a friend – even from another school – or family member)– and join with us in September as we dive into these topics. Because the book is so meaty, we will connect once in September to talk about the first five chapters, and then again in early November to dive into the last five! 

Questions: Reach out to Dr. Fisher with questions – or even suggestions about how we can support each other in this journey for raising resilient, responsible, and healthy children!


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